ShuttleSky Lifts & Structures

Lift NOC & Lift Permission in Delhi

Our Team at Shuttesky are one of the Best DDA Lift Installation Company In delhi. We also Help in Getting NOC for DDA Lift Installation and Installation of lifts in DDA flats from MCD and SDMC.
According to announcement by DDA, Allottees of DDA flats in denotified areas will now no longer need to approach the housing authority for permission for installing lifts and can obtain the same from local bodies.
According to a Press Release by DDA, they have given a PROCEDURE FOR ISSUE OF N.O.C. FOR INSTALLATION OF LIFTS IN GROUP HOUSING FLATS BUILT BY DDA. This is in supersession of earlier orders of obtaining NOC for installation of lifts in Group Housing Flats/SFS/Other Flats built by DDA, the revised policy is as under.

The request for seeking NOC for installation of lift and connecting bridge should be submitted by Proposing Applicants* after obtaining necessary consent from owner(s)/ legal representative(s) of at least 50% of the flats in that staircase (of that block) who shall be beneficiaries upon the installation of lifts in DDA flats. The consent from ground floor flat owners is desirable but not mandatory for seeking NOC by applicants. Application must be complete with all necessary documents/Affidavits and other pre-requisites for issue of NOC and lift installation in DDA flats.

Lift NOC Procedure


Allottees in all the Colonies where services stand transferred to MCD as well as colonies where services are with DDA shall apply to SE(HQ), DDA of concerned Zone. The NOC shall be issued by CE(HQ) after due verification of documents. After the issue of NOC by DDA, the applicants must get modified drawings approved from local Municipal Authority, in the areas which have been de-notified before actual execution of work for successful installation of Lift in DDA flats.

Lift NOC Procedure

Whom to Apply

While applying for NOC, the following documents/ indemnity bonds/affidavits are required to be submitted:

  1. Consent for installation of lift in individual block (served by a common stair case) from owner/legal representative of at least 50% of the flats in the stair case of that block. The consent from ground floor owner is desirable but not mandatory.
  2. Recommendations of the lift manufacturing agency (preferably as per approved list of CPWD) to whom residents are likely to engage for installation of lift with regard to technical feasibility, location of lift well, safety aspects in respect of installation.
  3. Certificate from registered Structural Engineer/ Architect (on their letter head) stating that the structural design of lift well is as per provisions of National Building Code.
  4. Four sets of original building plan indicating location of the lift-well duly signed by registered Architect and proposing/secondary applicants.
  5. Certificate regarding maintenance/operation aspect and safety requirement and bear all the cost for the above operation.
  6. Undertaking to obtain NOC from Chief Fire Officer, GNCTD (if applicable), Lift Inspector and Power/Electricity Distribution Company.
  7. NOC from the registered RWA of the particular block in case any shifting of services are involved for lift installation in DDA flats.
  8. Indemnity Bond from all the Proposing applicants* indemnifying to keep DDA harmless from any claim which anyone may, at any time, crop-up against the DDA.
  9. The group of proposing members who are beneficiaries of lift shall give an affidavit on stamp paper that there is no unauthorised construction/construction beyond permissible limit including terrace floor of that particular block (the NOC for DDA lift installation shall not be processed till all such unauthorised constructions are removed/regularized). In any case lift shall not be allowed to go up to terrace level at all.
  10. After examination of the proposal including all technical aspects by Superintending Engineer(Head Quarter) concerned, Director (Housing) & Senior Architect, and on their recommendations, CE(HQ) DDA will issue No Objection Certificate for installation of lift subject to deposition of requisite charges, if any, raised by DDA as discussed in para (xii) below for installation of lifts in DDA flats.
  11. Where absolutely necessary a provision of connecting bridge/walk way can be considered from the lift well to the landing point.
  12. A processing fee of Rs.5,000/-(non refundable) per lift will be charged by the DDA after verifying the check list (permission shall be granted within 45 days after submission of all complete acceptable documents). The payment can be made by DD in favor of concerned Sr.AO(CAU),DDA.
Lift NOC Procedure

Documents Required

* A processing fee of Rs.5,000/-(non refundable) per lift will be charged by the DDA after verifying the check list (permission shall be granted within 45 days after submission of all complete acceptable documents). The payment can be made by DD in favor of concerned Sr.AO(CAU),DDA.

Note: Format of affidavit, undertaking and indemnity bond may be downloaded from DDA website “”.

The policy of lift installation in DDA flats, first notified on May 26, 2011, was subsequently modified on August 3, 2012, the urban body said.

It has additionally been referenced in the arrangement that the lift well will be developed adjoining the visually impaired divider so regular light, ventilation and development isn’t influenced and will be an autonomous structure.

To get the NOC for DDA lift installation, the lift should be installed in a manner that the stability of the existing structure is not affected and no weight is transferred on to the current structure.

We are a DDA compliant local body that helps in Installation of Lifts in DDA flats as well as getting NOC for DDA lift installation.